Eternal Insights

Twelve Laws of Karma

barbara mcbean

by Barbara McBean

karma tree

karma tree

January 17, 2021


Everything is energy, including your thoughts and emotions, which are energy in motion. So, in essence, everything you do creates a corresponding energy that comes back to you in some form.

“Simply, everything you do creates either a positive or negative consequence”

Using karma as a set of powerful guidelines for your life can incentivize you to be more mindful of your thoughts, actions, and deeds before you make decisions.

With that in mind, think of the laws of karma as guidelines to follow as you go through daily life. The 12 laws of karma can help you understand how karma really works and how to create good karma in your life.

Let’s look at each of these laws in more detail.

1. The great law or the law of cause and effect
According to this law, whatever thoughts or energy you put out, you get back — good or bad. In order to get what you want, you have to embody and be worthy of those things. It’s the concept of what you reap, you sow.

2. The law of creation
The law of creation underscores the importance that life doesn’t just happen to us. To make things happen in your life, you need to take action, instead of waiting for something to magically come your way.

3. The law of humility
The law of humility is based on the principle that you must be humble enough to accept that your current reality is the result of your past actions. For example, if you’re blaming your colleagues for your poor performance at work, you must accept that you created this reality by not performing as well as you could have.

4. The law of growth
Growth starts within us. To positively shape the world, you need to start with yourself. That’s because real change or personal growth begins with what you have control over, which is yourself, not others.
The law of growth also looks at the things you can’t control and how you deal with accepting this fate. Ultimately, your focus should be on you, not trying to control the people or things around you.

5. The law of responsibility
If there is something wrong in one’s life, there is something wrong in them.
We mirror what surrounds us, and what surrounds us mirrors us; this is a Universal Truth. One must take responsibility for what is in one’s life.

6. The law of connection
The smallest or seemingly least important of things must be done because everything in the Universe is connected. Each step leads to the next step, and so forth and so on. Someone must do the initial work to get a job done. Neither the first step nor the last are of greater significance. They are both needed to accomplish the task. Past, Present, and Future are all connected.

7. The law of focus
One cannot think of two things at the same time. If our focus is on Spiritual Values, it is not possible for us to have lower thoughts like greed or anger.

8. The law of giving & hospitality
If one believes something to be true, then sometime in their life they will be called upon to demonstrate that truth. Here is where one puts what they CLAIM to have learned into PRACTICE.

9. The law of here & now
One cannot be in the here and now if they are looking backward to examine what was or forward to worry about the future. Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, and old dreams prevent us from having new ones.

10. The law of change
History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path. Simply put if you want to experience better, and live better then you HAVE TO BE BETTER. I really like this one BTW

11. The law of patience & reward
All Rewards require initial toil. Rewards of lasting value require patient and persistent toil. True joy comes from doing what one is supposed to be doing, and knowing that the reward will come in its own time.

12. The law of significance & inspiration
One gets back from something whatever they put into it. The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intent that is put into it. Every personal contribution is also a contribution to the Whole. Lesser contributions have no impact on the Whole, nor do they work to diminish it. Loving contributions bring life to and inspire the Whole.

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